
PG and Research Department of Bio-Chemistry

The Department of Biochemistry was started in the academic year (2018-19) to facilitate the students of economically poor background to pursue post graduate and research and to cater the needs of human resource required in Industries, National laboratories, R & D Labs, Pharmaceutical companies and Higher Education Institutes in India and abroad. The Faculty members have post doctoral research experiences in reputed International institutions, a good publication track and possess long experience in teaching programmes fulfilling the requirements of postgraduate students. The Faculty members have garnered several awards and Research grants from funding agencies. The thrust areas of research are cancer biology, cardiac biology, antioxidant studies, neurological disorders, diabetes mellitus and pharmacology. At present, the department is offering Post Graduate program in Biochemistry and preparing to introduce Ph.D. in future.

S.No. Name Designation Educational Qualification Specialization Photo
Head of the Department
Associate Professor M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., PGDCA, PDF(South Korea). Molecular Immunology
2. Dr. C. AIYAVU
Assistant Professor M.Sc., CMLT., Ph.D., PDF(USA). Cancer Biology